"Tyler, Sweetpea, what's different about you?" wonders Momma.
"Don't know," evades Ty.
"Ok where did you leave it?"' asks Momma.
"Couldn't tell you," mumbles Ty.
"You wore it for less than a month. It was made from fine soft leather and it was quite thin so you wouldn't notice it around your neck."
"I noticed."
"I need it back," says Mom.
"Hmmm.... I'll get the word out...not.
Tyler, it sounds like you had a very wonderful collar. I wonder where it went? This is a very big mystery.
Tyler, I wonder where your collar went? Fine, soft leather sounds nice, although I'm sorry you still noticed it.
I can't wear a collar, because with my lack of fur, it would rub my skin raw. But I do have a microchip in my shoulder, if I should ever get lost.
Tell her your collar ran off with mine.
Hi Tyler! Maw makes the cat hammocks. Reno was quality testing that hammock before it went to a poodin in o-HI-o.
Here is the post that talks about them. http://fortypaws.blogspot.com/2007/02/cat-beds.html
You can email us directly at fortypawsATsbcglobalDOTnet
Luf, Us
Say no to collars, Tyler!
Where is the collar??
you are so sleek and silky
no collarz ... no collarz ... no collarz!
ware'd it go, tyler?
Yeah Dude, those collar things stink. They tried to put one on me now and then and its GONE in 30 seconds. Good luck ;) searching for it!
Yup, I've known certain kitties around this part of the woods that do the very same thing!
I'm super impressed that you wore a collar that long. I wore one once, too, but only for about 5 minutes. Then it was gone, gone, gone!
Earl Grey
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