Pretty soon I'm going to be coming up on my 100th post. And I'm having a contest! My first contest!
Here is a picture of the prizes. It's a penguin Millie bed with a matching purr pad. They're coming right now from the Siamese Rescue Center. Although I don't know why my mom insists on buying stuff from a meezer only store. My contest is for every type of cat.
1. Add your guess to the comments section. Please leave me your name and your blog's address (You need to have a blog to enter).
Date and Time
Jan. 14 at 5:30 am Tyler of
State the date and time WITH am or pm.
All times are PDT.
If you don't put am or pm, it will labeled as am.
2. Only one guess per every family living in the same house.
3. You have to be a cat to play. Your bean can help you fill out the forms.
4. The first cat to post the correct date and closest time wins.
5. In the spirit of copying those who have done this before me, I can change the rules if I need to.
6. Your entry needs to be in before 1/19/08 11:59pm.
7. I removed my blog archive to make it trickier to win.
8. Good luck! I can't wait to see who will win.
I have to say, those meezer people sure know how to make a nice bed!! We will have to think on this and come back.
Hmmmmmmm, we got together as a group and decided to guess this -
1/21/2008 @ 11:31 am PDT
We are the kitties from Perfectly Parker!
Well let's see...
How about 1/24 @ 3:34 PM? Cheysuli and Gemini
A penguin bed - a penguin bed - A PENGUIN BED! Ruis and I just visited the penguins!!!
And what a little rascal you are, removing the blog archive, hahahahahahaha, very good!!!
So here is our guess:
January 23 at 10:53 am.
Karl from The Cat Ralm
we guesses january 23rd @ 2:42pm
we are yuki & kimiko & kintaro of
My guess:
Jan 22,2008 @ 6:48AM
Mickey @
I conferred with Tara, and we guess Jan 17 at 10:30 am.
OK, wild guess - Jan 20 at 10.30am
Momo from
We will guess:
Jan. 22, 2008 at 11:24 am
hmmmm, so difficult...
I will guess 1/24 1:24AM...
We guess January 22nd at 8.31am
1/17 at 11:13 am
Tazo & EG
Hmm, let me see here, I will guess:
1/19/08 at 7:00 am from Daisy of
I am Gretchen and I guess 1/19/08 at 10:23 AM PDT
Let's see.
1/18/08 at 9:32am from Laila of
Tigger & I decided
1/22/2008 @ 10:30 pm PDT
Tyler you wuz asking about cooking ingredients. Well our mum had some recipes that she got furrom Maw at40 Paws.In the King Ranch Chicken it sed to use Rotel tomatoes but mum didn't know what they wuz so she asked Maw what it meant. Maw sent some furr her in wiv our Chris Mouse purrezunt, and she sent cake mix wiv pudding mixture in it, cuz mum's going to make Bacardi cake.Mum sez she's never seen that here either. She sez when she goes to Mericky again she'll haf to take a shopping list.
Well Miz Allie Cat put her thinking hat on and guesses 1/20/08 at 4:31 am ...hmmm meow
Um...we guess...
1/23/08 7:52 pm
Hey Tyler!!! I LOVE contests!!
My guess is:
January 18th @ 13.30 pm !!
Baby Mao xxx
Hmmm, we Ballicai are gonna guess 1/19/2008 at 7:30 a.m. And we are MaoMao, Brainball, Dorydoo and Marilyn from the Ballicus Blog and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!
Hmmm... We'll say Feb 2nd at Noon.
Skeeter and LC at
We guess January 24 at 9:48 a.m.
& all of us at
januarys 25th ats 11:44am
so says us!
What's the time? Have we missed it? Mom has trouble with time in other places.
Yep - our Mom is time challenged. Listen to us laughing at her!
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