Cookie stole our prize package from the cats who won it. Mom mistakenly took it out of the bag in which Siamese Rescue mailed it to us. She placed the penguin Millie bed and the purr pad on the big bean bed thinking it wouldn't be such a sin for us to test the bed out while she figured out how exactly she was going to get the thing back in the mail. Two minutes later Cookie crawled right in and stayed there for three days straight. I think she may have gotten out to eat, drink and use the litterroom, but we never saw her out of it. Now sometimes Cookie lets somekitty else lie in her bed.
Mom had to write to Artsy Catsy the winners of our contest and ask if they would be willing to pick another Millie bed from the Rescue Center. They were such gracious kitties they did pick out a new bed and we also sent them a new purr pad. Mom was relieved because she's a trusting soul, she didn't realize she was being duped by Cookie. Mom says she was grateful to be able to send the gift to the winners from the merchant and not have to figure out how to wrap the huge thing herself. Yep, she's lazy. Lazy to the core.
Mom left both of her cameras at work AGAIN! I wanted her to take a picture of Cookie in her stolen merchandise to prove my point. Maybe we'll post it tomorrow.
We hope everyone is having a restful Sunday, if you have any Sunday left by the time you read this.
I think I might just go see if that penguin Millie bed is open. We have three Millies now, but there is something special about the Penguin one.
Hi Tyler, We have a millie bed too - sometimes Camie tries to get in/on it - she is much too big for it, but she does like it too. Mom got the treat jar at Walmart. It is made of acrylic. Camie also has gotten into every treat container we have gotten, so hopefully this one won't be break-in-able.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
The Millie beds are wonderful. I really can't blame Cookie!
Look forward to see Cookie's photo, hahaha~!!
That looks like a purrrfect place for a couple of us kitties to cuddle up in. I'm teleporting over right now. I hear I've got some furs to groom.
Thank you so much for the goodies you sent me. I absolutely love the furry mices and the feather wand is soooooo much fun to chase! Pollux tends to hog it though. He's much more aggressive when he plays. Meommy has promised that she'll put Pollux up and spend some special play time with just me with it.
Sorry I haven't been around much. Meommy has been super busy with some household issues. We were lucky the recent tornados missed us, bur our house is on low-lying property. A bunch of rain water came into Memommies office and garage. She's been busy cleaning the carpet and getting a drainage ditch dug deeper to keep the water from coming in again.
I'll see you soon. I'm really looking forward to cuddling with you in that soft mille bed and grooming those pretty furs!
Hi Tyler - gee I hope you get a turn in a Millie bed! They look wonderful! We don't have anything like them, I may need to tell Mom to go and check them out!
Some beds are just special like that, and that one certainly looks very cozy.
Speaking of cameras, my Bean managed to misplace our somewhere in the house. She ended up tearing the place apart on Sunday to find it. Needless to say, it was in one of the "to be organized" piles.
Cookie, your plan worked perfectly!
Millies are so special. We have one and one of us is usually always in it!
Hi Tyler, I've not seen a millie bed before. Is it made by someone named Millie? I've heard of gizzy quilts but not a millie bed. I learn so many neat new things from other bloggers.
OK, that's too complicated fer us to follow. But if efrythin werked out, that;s good!
We hope anyway...
This is sooo funny! The maid laughed and laughed! But we do want to see pictures!!!
I gave you an award, come pick it up at my blog!
Those beds look sooo comfy! We love our pink fuzzy beds from Target. Cookie just saw what she wanted and took it- a girl who knows what she wants!
We love our new toys! Thank you Cookie and Tyler. We will tell you about it tomorrow.
Reggie and Abby
This is such a funny sorry. Cookie made that bed hers. They do look really comfortable. Glad to read the Artsy Cats were able to take another prize. They weren't getting that bed back from Cookie. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a great day.
World of Animals
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